NCI Audit

All participants in human subjects research are subject to audits of quality of care and quality of research.  PCR Oncology underwent an audit by the National Cancer Institute in August of 2015. At the time of this audit the quality of care and research provided by PCR Oncology were reviewed by representatives of the National Cancer Institute.  We are proud to report that no recommendations for any change were made as a result of this audit.

For Young Women, Breast Conserving Surgery May Be Acceptable Alternative to Mastectomy

Women under age 40 who had breast-conserving surgery (BCS) did not have higher rates of local recurrence or poorer overall survival compared with women who underwent mastectomy, according to results from two retrospective studies. Young age at diagnosis is thought to be a risk factor for disease recurrence, and many young women with breast cancer choose mastectomy for treatment.

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Cancer Care and the Affordable Care Act

Despite the political rhetoric and controversy, there are some  benefits to patients that can be anticipated with the passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010; AKA ObamaCare.  The new legislation provides patients with the security of not being denied insurance coverage for a past or current cancer diagnosis.  It  removes the barrier to participation into clinical trials posed by some insurance providers, and it allows adult children, to the age of 26, to remain on a parents insurance plan. It is also theorized to provide low cost insurance plans from a state exchange program to cover standard care.

Why participate in a Clinical trial?

What does a clinical trial have to offer me as a cancer patient?  The answer is, it may give you early access to cutting edge treatment before it is commercially available.  Cancer treatments available in clinical trials have been tested in humans and found to have some effect.

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